ASAHT (1/2 Summary)

August 12, 1959

To Protectthe People from Radlation
The Japan Science Council!s Special Committee on Radiation Effects on
Monday published a report on the results of its study of the recommendation of
a nev "maximum permissible limit" of radiation made by the International
Committee on Radiation Protection last September.
The report which spells out the Committeets stand on accepting the newly
recommended maxirmm permissible limit of radiation contains two highly note~

worthy points.

First, the report urges a radical change in the attitude on

the "maximum permissible limit" of radiation that has been adopted so far, and

proposes a far more rigid limit of radiation.

Secondly, the report puts special emphasis on the grave hereditary effects
of radiation. The report says that the newly recommended permissible Limit of
radiation, though stricter than before, is unsatisfactory for Japan. This
"warning" is understandable, considering the facts that Japan has a huge
population, has a high degree of population density and has a lower standard

of nutrition than the international level.

Human beings are now doing a terrible thing.

They are destroying natural

and stable matters and converting them into artificial and unstable ones.

Unstable matters emanate radiation so as to revert to their original condition.
It is a good thing to utilize this process to promote human interests, but it
must be realized that this at the same time means that they are constantly
creating a new environment unfit for their existence.
If the gravity of the matter is overlooked, human beings will be obliged

to adapt themselves to a new environment in a process of "degeneration".


endesvrc: 49 utilize atomic energy mst be backed up with steps to prevent this

"darn vow tion,


vic Japan Seience Council report on radiation has provided ample food for
Tt is hoped that the authorities in charge of codifying the newly
seeded radiation standards will fully scrutinize the report. At the same
3.18 people are urged to have a deeper understanding of the problem of



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