Figure 5. “United Nations visiting group meeting with Rongelapresidentsin village church, 1959.
Location of Examinations

LST Tank Deck.

Whole-body gamma spectros-

copy was carried out with the 21-ton steel room
placed in the after part of the tank deck, with the
air conditioned electronics room and the shower
facility close by. The people to be examined entered the ship via the forward rampdirectly onto
the tank deck, proceededto the showerfacility
where they disrobed, took a complete soap and
water shower, and donneddisposable paper coveralls and slippers, and then proceeded to the 21-ton
steel room, where a 10-min gammaspectroscopy
count was obtained. Phonograph music was piped
into the steel room during the procedure. The
people, except very young children, showed no
evidence of fear or claustrophobia and appeared
to enjoy the procedure. Further description of the
gamma spectrographic methods will be presented
The diagnostic x-ray machine was also set up in
the tank deck.

Rongelap Village.

As in 1958, the dispensary.

schoolhouse, and council house were used for the

examinations (Figure 6). Hematological and other
laboratory procedures and ophthalmologicalex-

aminations were carried out in the dispensary
(Figure 7). Medical histories were taken and

physical examinations were madein the schoolhouse. The council house provided areas for an

administrative center, for collection of urine sam-

ples, and for laboratory use by the University of
Washington group.
History and Physical Examinations
Histories were taken by a Marshallese practi-

tioner with particular emphasis on the interval
history during the past year. A special survey was
conductedbythe pediatrician to ascertain more
accurately the birth dates of the Rongelapese, particularly the children.
Complete physical examinations were carried
out including examinations of the children for
growth and development (anthropometric measurements, and x-ray examinations of the left wrist

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