
Health, Health Education, Nutrition Services, and Mental Health Divisions
of the Department of Health Services, as well as the goals and objectives
for the Departments of Public Affairs, Public Works, Public Safety, and

Goal #2:

To improve the administration and supervision of health

services to the extent that more effective and efficient medical care
services could be delivered by the health system.

This.goal summarizes

the goals and objectives set for Health Sérvices Administration


(including the Medica} Staff), Nursing and Dental Health Divistons, as
well as the Division of Public Health as it relates to the dispensary

Goal #3:

To raise the level of awareness and understanding of the

public regarding health-related issues, to the extent that more individuals
would involve themselves actively in improvement efforts of their own for

their health and the health status of the community.

Part af this goal is

also directed towards raising the public awareness and understanding of
the responsibility that the public has in affecting health policies.
This would be done through proper channels such as the Municipal and
District Government offices, the District Legislature and the Marshall
Health Coordinating Council.

This goal summarizes the goals and

objectives set up for the Departments of Education and Public Affairs and
the Divisions of Health Education, Nutrition, Mental Health, and Administration within the Health Services Department--as well as the goals
and objectives for the Community leaders.

M55 5:

Select target paragraph3