
patients wait, etc.

Consumers of health care also complained about the inadequacy of
activities or controls directed in assuring the cleanliness of the
environment (increased number of junked cars, rodents, litter in the
environment, as wel] as the infrequency of sanitation team visits, etc.).

Consumers of Health:

Certain problems were also identified with

the consumers of health care:

Foremost is a lack of understanding on health related issues.


There is also a certain level of expectations of services that are

not aligned with economic realities, such as expectation of services
at no cost or minimal cost, expectation of physician care at al]
times, etc.).



Certain goals and objectives have been developed based on the problems
identified with respect to the health status of the population and the
administration of the health services system as well as the level of
consumers' understanding and participation in the improvement of the

health status of the total population of the Marshalls.
The summary of these goals and objectives follows:


To increase support of and to concert efforts on the activities

and services that are directed towards the prevention of diseases.


goal sunmar?zes the goals and objectives for Public Health, Environmental


Select target paragraph3