Table 4.Daily intake of trace elements in adult human diets (after Bowen, Ref. 8)
Daily intake

Amount considered toxic


(10g /day)




measurements of the anchovy FPC should be
viewed with some concern. Moreover concentrations of both radioactivity and trace elements
might be expected to vary in any given species
with both ume and location. It would scem
prudent, nevertheless, to continue such measurements as a means of determining the suitability of any given marine organism for starting
material in FPC production. Persistent and
undesirable concentrations of these entities
might then require process modifications for
their removal.
Acknowledgements—We thank Norman Brown of the
National Center for Fish Protein Concentrate for
kindly supplying the samples and C. W.Sill for his
analysis of one of the concentrates. This research was
supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,
Contract No. AT (45-1) 2225 4h 14.

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