College Park, Maryland. Gamma-rayemitting
radionuclides were analyzed as received by
counting 100-g aliquots of the concentrate
(in duplicate) using NaI (TI) detection systems.
Tron-55 was determined by chemically isolating
the iron in the sample! and then measuring
the 5.9keV X-ray which results from the deexcitation of its daughter, 5\in. Polonium-210
and ™°Pb were determined as previously


Polonium-208 and #!2Pb were

used as vield monitors to account for anvlosses
which occurred during chemical processing
steps. Measurement of the alpha radioactivity
was done using alpha spectrometry with surface
barricr diodes.
“Trace element analyses for all elements except.
iron were performed by atomic absorption
spectrometry. Tron was determined colorimetrically, using O-phenanthrolein as the
color-forming agent. Duplicate 20-g¢ samples of
concentrate were wet ashed in redistilled. reagent
grade concentrated nitric and perchloric acids
or dry ashed in a muffle furnace at 160 C,
depending upon the volatility of the element of
interest. For the trace elements Co, Cu, Zn,
Fe, Ag and Mn, dry ashing techniques were
employed. For Cd and Pb, wet ashing with
concentrated acids is preferred. Elemental
concentrations were determined by the method
of standard additions (Pb, Mn, Zn) or by coinparing sample absorbances with those prepared
from standard solutions (Ag, Cd, Co, Cu).
All radiometric data have been decay corrected to collection dates and the errors associated
with these measurements are the standard
errors (lo) derived from astatistical analy >is
of the sample and background counting rates.
The errors associated with the stable element
analyses approach +5°% (based on agreements
between duplicate samples and on samples to
which known amounts of trace clements have
been added).

The results of our radioactivity measurements
are presented in ‘Vable 1. ‘There are significant
diferences between the radionnclide content
of these protein concentrates and those reported
earlicr.@) In general, 7's values for concentrates prepared from surface feeding fishes are
not appreciably diiicrent from those preparcd

from inshore benthic fishes. Manganese-54
values are lower (possibly due to physical decay)
while Fe values are generally higher. The
“Sr concentration of all the concentrates was
<0.05 dis/min/g dry weight. Lead-210 and

210Po values are comparable to those reported

earlicr, with the notable exception of the anchovy taken off the Southern California coast.
The value of 57.7 + 0.5 dis/min/g dry weight
anchovy concentrate was confirmed by the
analysis of an aliquot of this sample by C. W.
Sill of the National Reactor Testing Station.
This unusually high value wasat first surprising,
and we therefore analyzed various organs
(pooled and individual) of fresh anchovy
(Engraulis mordax) and saury (Cololabis saira)




of the 7!°Po,

“10Ph and stable Pb in these fishes. Both
species represent pelagic fishes whose dict
consists mainly of planktonic crustacea.(6?
Table 2 clearly shows that in these fishes the
majority of the #°Po and 7!°Pbactivity, as well
as stable lead, is found in the internal organs,
principallythe liver, bone, stomach contents and
viscera (neart, intestine, spleen, kidnev, stomach

and gonad). The number in parenthesis
indicates the number of specimens analyzed.
The valucs of ?}°Po observed makes the 7°Po
content of the anchovy concentrate less surprising. Mlorcover, the stable lead content of
the anchovy bone and liver substantiates the
high stable lead value found in the anchovy
concentrate. Vhe lead specific activities (dis./
min 7!8Pb/uge Pb) of anchovytissue range from
G.08 to 0.3, with the lead specific activity of the
anchovy concentrate being 0.09. These values,
and those of the saury and other concentrates
analyzed here, approximate the range of lead
specilic activities found by Ter [sar ef al.,‘®
in their measurements of rain waters collected
in the mid-western United States.
SHANNON ef al.930 have recently summarized their measurements of alpha radioactivity
in marine organisms and water collected
in South Africa. Although Shannon did not
determine the partitioning of either 3!’Pb or
“19P6 into the various organs of the pelagic

fishes analyzed, he did onserve a mean 7!°Po/

49Pb activity ratio of 157 for whole fishes.
Our *°Po/6Pb activity ratios for the internal
organs of anchovy and saury reported in Table 3

, qe

Select target paragraph3