2 = the index for the position of the nuclide
in the decay chain (Rn™, Rn™ : i = 1;

Po™, Po:i = 2; °°: *)

Uz, Uy, Us = the components of the mean wind
K = the turbulent diffusion coefficient.
v, = the mean sedimentation velocity of the

ith nuclide, according to sedimentation
of their carrier particles (Rn™, Rn™ :

v, = 0).
A, = the radioactive decay constant of the ith

A, = the mean removal rate the ith nuclide,

caused by washout and rainout (Rn™,
Rn™ : A, = 0).

‘The terms on the right side of (1) refer, in this
order, to turbulent mixing, convection, sedimentation of radioactive particles, radioactive buildup from the mother nuclide in the decay chain,
radioactive decay, and removal by washout and
Weare primarily interested in the mean vertieal distributions for steady-state conditions at

constant exhalation rates of Rn™ and Rn™.
These equilibrium profiles are obtained from (1)
if dn./dt = 0. To solve (1) we makethefollow-

ing additional assumptions:

1. dn,/dx = On,/dy = 0. This means a horizontal isotropic distribution, which will occur
when the vertical turbulence profile and the
Rn” and Rn™ exhalation rates are the same at
each place.
2. u, = 0. A reasonable mean value of the
vertical wind velocity cannot be given, but in
most cases it will be small compared with the
velocity of vertical turbulent diffusion.
8. uv, == 0. The mean radius of natural radioactive particles in the atmosphere is smaller
than 1 uw; the corresponding sedimentation veloc-

ity is smaller than about 1 m/h,ie., small com-

pared with the transport velocity caused by

turbulent mixing.
4. A, = constant = A. This meansthat the
removal rate is independent of altitude and
equal for all decay products. The independence
of altitude will be approximately true in the
troposphere, whereas above the tropopause A

will be zero., This assumption is of importance
only for the distribution of Pb™° and Po”, be-

cause for the short-lived Rn™ decay products
and all Rn™ decay products A, > A.. For Pb™
and Po™ nearly the same removal rate can be
With these assumptions the equilibrium vertical profiles of Rn™, Rn™, and their decay prod-

ucts can be obtained from the following system

of differential equations:
“(x dz








(x dn) +n rv, + A)n; = 0


t> 1


To solve (2), we introduce the following
boundary conditions:

1. f."X.ndz = E, where F, is the exhalation
rate of Rn™ and Rn” atoms from the ground
surface (z = 0). This condition means that the

total activity of Rn™ and Rn™ in a vertical air
column is equal to the exhalation rate of its
ground-surface area.
2. E, = 0 for: > 1. This condition reflects
the rapid diffusion of newly formed Po” or Po™
atoms in ground air and their deposition on the
ground material.
3. m(z = 0) = 0 fori > 1. This takes into
account the fact that all atoms and carrier particles of the decay products reaching the ground
surface by diffusion will be deposited.

n(ze—> 0) > O for? = 1,2,3,....

This condition is a consequence of radioactive

The diffusion coefficient K is quite variable
with altitude according to the vertical variations
of wind velocity and atmospheric stability. Some
characteristic air layers can be distinguished
from the relative slope of the function K(z). In

the boundary layer near the earth’s surface K
increases rapidly with altitude, following an
approximately linear or power law of z. Approaching the gradient wind height, dK/dz decreases and becomes nearly independent ofaltitude in the upper troposphere under normal
conditions. Owing to the high stability of the

stratosphere, K again decreases rapidly above
the tropopause and is likely to approach a

rather constant value in the lower stratosphere.
The changes of wind velocity and temperature





Select target paragraph3