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conditions that would minimize possibilities of cross contamination.
Samples should not be pooled from different individuals.

Dietary, work,

travel and recreational characteristics of the sampled individuals
should be accurately recorded.
and analyzed.

Control samples must be similarly obtained

These would most appropriately be obtained from non-

exposed Marshallese.

It would also be important to establish the U.S.

value for fallout plutonium in urine.

With regard to the second question, the TTG was presented a brief review
of information on plutonium in the Bikini environment and incomplete
information on the dietary habits of the residents, and their sources of

The TTG recognizes the need for continued monitoring of air,

soil, water, and foodstuffs for plutonium and other transuranics.


minimize the cost of this effort a long range plan is needed that will
assure identification of significant changes in levels of transuranics
in these substances.

Samples are required that will be truly representative

of the air the residents breathe and the food they eat.

This effort

will, of course, become more important if the answer to the first question
is positive.

An answer to the third question requires answers to the first two.


TTG recommends that when answers are obtained to questions 1 and 2,
estimates of current body burdens and projected future body burdens

should be made for current residents and their descendants, based on
the best available models.

The TTG does not believe in-vivo counting

Select target paragraph3