

woman in the control group who had developed a thyroid nodule. All of these
cases are being brought to Brookhaven for more complete thyroid studies
followed possibly by surgery in Cleveland by Dr. B.


There were two

other exposed Rongelap people with borderline thyroid lesions and they will
be observed carefully on thyroid treatment.

Thyroid Reserve Study.
Drs. Jan Wolff and Kund Knudsen were in charge
of this study.
In view of uncertainty of complete compliance with the thyroid
treatment program in some people a test of thyroid reserve was done in 41 people

in this group who had not developed thyroid abnormalities.
Thyroid hormone
treatment was discontinued for 2 months prior to our examinations and then

plasma samples were

taken before and after the injection of 10 units of TSH for

later analysis of hormone levels.

Plasma samples for hormone levels were also

taken on other people.
In order to test environmental iodine levels on Rongelap
diet and urinary samples were taken for iodine analysis.
Diabetic Study.


Reed Larson, headed this survey.

This disease which

is known to be of high incidence along with cataracts of the eyes in the
Marshalls, and this survey was carried out in Rongelap and Utirik people to

its prevalence and attempt to advise the Trust Territory medical

people concerning this serious medical problem,
The volunteer response for
this study was most gratifying - a total of 360 people being tested.

questionnaires and pre and post prandial blood sugars are being analyzed.
Judging by the number of positive urine sugars, there appears to be a high
prevalence of the disease mainly in those greater than 40 years of age.

fections and need for amputations are a source of great concern to the Marshallese
medical personnel.
Genetic Studies.

Studies for possible inherited defects in children of

people of exposed parents was under my supervision, and is being carried out
in collaboration with Dr. James Neel and Dr. Arthur Bloom of the University

of Michigan.

During this survey blood samples were collected for a variety of

tests for metabolic defects and bucal smears for sex chromatin studies on 71
children of exposed parents, 24 exposed parents, 58 children of unexposed parents
and 37 unexposed parents were examined in this study. A brief physical examination was carried out on each child. No obvious congenital defects were noted.
In view of the general negative nature of the studies of the first generation

Japanese children of exposed parents it seems unlikely that positive results

will be seen in this group.
However, the psychological benefit associated with
negative findings would be reassuring to the people.

Radiological Surveys. Radiological surveys were carried out at Utirik,
Rongelap and Bikini Islands. At Bikini there were about 80 people living there,
30 of whom (3 families) of Bikinians who have moved back, and the remainder are
workmen and their families.
In view of the anticipated return of larger number
of Bikini people to their home island in the near future additional data
collected on this island will be given prompt attention.
Whole-body gamma spectrographic analyses were carried out by Dr.

Cohn and

Mr. Rothman and environmental sampling by Messrs. Greenhouse and Ash and Dr.

Select target paragraph3