(Ne 73).

Eviscerated fish samples are described (Ne 73, Nev 75) as the

entire fish with the gonads, gills and G.I. tract removed.

The dry viscera

Samples from these reef fish contained an average of 430 pCi/kg of

Using equations given by Wilson, et al.,

(Wi 75) and Robison,

etal., (Ro 78), and a dietary fish intake of 600 wet gm/day, the dose rate
fro m 239240, ingestion at these concentrations is 10-25% of the 3 mrad/yr
guideline proposed by EPA (Ep 77) for annual total transuranic dose to

A percentage this high, resulting from a single transuranic in one

ingestion pathway is sufficient reason to warrent a re-examination of the
concentrations of plutonium at Kwajalein and to resolve some of the
questions raised from the previous report
Plutonium in water,

(No 76).

Concentrations of

fish and sediment in recently collected samples from

Kwajalein and north equatorial surface waters are discussed and compared to
previously reported data.



Select target paragraph3