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Question 13:

"A listing of dates, locations, number involved, md type
of incidents involving the irradiation and/or destzuction due

to indication or [sic] persons, animals, crops, lads

structures in the United States as a result of tests,


research, operations or manufacture of nuclear or thermnuclear devices or materials; claims resulting from such
incidents; and amounts and forms of such compensation or

consideration accorded by the U.S. Government or is agents
to such claimants."

Answer 13:

Two publications which address the matter of operational
accidents and workmen's compensation and radiatioa injuries

are being forwarded under separate cover.


Accidents and Radiation Exposure Experience ,"’ WASH 1192,
Fall 1971, provides available information, descriptions,
and statistics regarding disabling injuries, radiation
exposures, contaminations, criticalities, fatalities and

property damage accidents within the Atomic Energy

Commission through 1970.

''Studies in Workmen's Capensation

and Radiation Injury," Volume V, 1969, is a compilstion, in
abbreviated form, of cases which involve allegatioss of
injuries arising out of exposure to ionizing radiation.


Select target paragraph3