- 10 -

Question 9:

"Precautions taken and instructions, and information
disseminated to U.S. personnel preparatory to the conduct
of tests in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
from 1946 to 1954."

Question 10:

"Precautions taken and instructions, and information
disseminated to Micronesians residing in the test area

during the period 1946 to 1954."
Question 11:

"Precautions taken and instructions, and information

disseminated to both of the groups mentioned in nos. 9 and

10 after March 1, 1954 until the cessation of such tests."
Question 12:

"Precautions taken and instructions, and information

disseminated to Marshallese citizens after the cessation of


Because of their similarity, these questions are answered as a group.
This information is in records of each test which have since
been retired to the National Archives and the Washington
National Record Center where they are available for research

depending on need-to-know and classification.
occupy over 150 cubic feet of storage.

These records

It would be unreasonably

costly and time consuming to extract the unclassified
information pertinent to this inquiry.


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Select target paragraph3