Dr. G, Pailin

ee ed








Oatober 2, 1962

(6) Either 110 power or @ portable generator available inside

the shelter during installation of the instruments, You will
not require power or time algnals for the operation of the


You will not have any requirements for labor crews.

In addition to the above, I want to bring you up to date an
the latest plang of the test organization, and to ascertain

what effect these changes may have on your operations.

On September 29, the subcommittee (consisting of George Lercy,

U, Andrews, ani Lt. Comir. Cronekite) of the Bio. Med. Test
Screening Gomaittes met here in Washingtan to consider in detail
the proposed Biological experiments. 4t this same wating,
Bob Corsbie outlined the plans for the shelter test, etc.

Present planning seema to indicate that it would be deairahie
to test the shelter in Tucca Flat. completely indepemient of

the Military Effects Progras. It would probably be subjected
to at least two tower shots, The first. shot to be on or about
March 1, designed primaril: to give the blast pressures necessary
to test the streetural characteristics of the shelter. The
oman dooe,” Probate thematron doves amsamen ty

qauma ray dose.

Propaiiy the neutrep comes a

gulpher) would be of the order of 109


shelter. Faee ee ete miedo, snmide the
could be detected by the mice,
Dr. Leroy pointed ont that the neutren levels we quote are

based on Cdegold and sulpher measurements. The Gdegold technique

does not measure much above .2 ev, and the sulpher technique does
not measure anything below 3 MEV. Therefore, there ia a gap
between 2 ev. and 3 MEV that is not being measured, There is
avidence from the Greenhouse work to indicate that there is
bielogical damage which is believed to be from the neutron in
the range. ide have requested that copies of the Greenhouse
report and the Shelter Test report bs sent to you, and they
abould be there within the next few days.
4s you can see from this letter, things are beginning to shape
up to a point whereby we should be able to give you the distance
from the bamb, expected radiation doses, sta. within the next
few weeks,

Select target paragraph3