Thermonuclear Weapon Capability

In order to accomplish the immediate objective of emer-

gency capability with a thermonuclear weapon at the earliest
possible time,

the AEC and the DOD in June 1952, established a

Special working team consisting of representatives of Los Alamos

Scientific Laboratory (responsible for the warhead assembly), the
Sandia Laboratory (fuzing and ballistics assemblies) and the Air
Force Special Weapons Center (aircraft adaptation and ground

assembly facilities).

Production of the



this purpose is mainly dependent upon the availability of lithium

6 to be produced at Oak Ridge (see Pert II, Fissionable Materials).
Over-all design of a deliverable weapon is underway but *1i11 not
pe firm for several months.

and fuzing studies and drop tests have tesun.

Additional Effort on Thermonuclear Research



for ballistic

Dummy models have been construzted

The Commission's decision to postpone indefinitely the

construction of a production linear accelerator develore: ty the
University of California Radiation Laboratory has been mentioned
in Part II,

Fissionable Materials,

During the summer @ sSroup wes

organized in the Radiation Laboratory to participate in the thermonuclear weapons program.

The primary functions ere .1'


and development leading to new or extended weapon Gesizn concepts,
and (2) development and application of instruments end esuipment
This group is

for recording data curing weapon test operations.

now located in @ sepaereted area of the facility et Livernore,

the site of the MTA pilot model.

Current viens call

for a rapid growth in personnel to an operating level cf ebdout

1,200 persons by July 1954.

Project Matterhorn, conducved at

Select target paragraph3