will show it to be safe.
test results

They understand that the recent

are preliminary, -and they hope that resettlement

on Eneu will prove to be possible.

Chairman, we cannot describe the sorrow felt by

our people as they learned -- with bitter disappointment -that they must once again leave Bikini.
dictory statements of the U.S.

Despite the contra-

Government over the last ten

years, the people of Bikini have begun to understand the
situation they face.

They have told us that if the upcoming

eon oe SAA’ ORL

tests show that our people will not be able to live on Bikini
or Eneu for the next 40 or 50 years,

the people living on

Bikini-are-prepared to relocate to Kili and Jaluit.
A move to Kili,


and the establishment of

tenes mee et Steere

eA e t

ae ens

Kili as a permanent home for the next two generations of
Bikinians cannot come withouthelp from the U.S.

‘develop Kili as a functional,


Government to

liveable community.


For almost

30 years, we have lived on Kili thinking each year that we
will move to Bikini the next year.
of 50 more years on Kili,
plan in longer terms.
reefand no lagoon,

As we face the possibility

it is clear that we must think and

As you know,

Kili is an island with no

and access to the island is verydifficult

for most of the year.

Faced with these conditions,-our people

haveenot processed copra in large quantities because boats visit
the island rarely.


Months frequently go by without a visit from

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