
Island was safe and that they could eat and drink the cocoanuts


The High Commissioner then arrived to an-

nounce that the people had to leave Bikini and that Eneu is
not considered safe at this time.


After the assurances the Bikinians received from
President Johnson in 1968, and. especially in light of Dr.
Conard's recent visit to the island,
were -- and still are -must leave.

the people on Bikini

reluctant to

face the

fact that they —

They have therefore ‘asked us to convey two requests

to you today, Mr.


the comments made by Dr.

The first is for you to clarify °

Conard to the Bikinians and to deter-

mine with what authority he was speaking.

It is possible that

his statements were made on the basis of old information, but
his comments,

followed shortly by the High Commissioner's visit,

“resulted in distrust and confusion.

The situation faced by the

Bikinians is difficult enough as it is without having two


well-recognized people visit Bikini within a short time of
each other and make contradictory statements about a matter
’ of such importance.



The second request we convey to you today, Mr.


is that your Subcommittee closely monitor the upcoming radiological and foodstuff tests to be conducted at Bikini Atoll.
Thebeople living on Bikini Island desperatley wish to remain
on Bikini Atoll,

and they are hopeful that tests on Eneu Island

Select target paragraph3