

The instruments were calibrated with a 137Cs point source on the primary
calibration range of the National Environmental Research Center, Las Vegas,

While the response of this instrument is energy-dependent, our

experience at Enewetak showed that this was not a serious limitation

because of the dominance of 13’Cs in the radiation background on the Atoll.
We also utilized the Reuter-Stokes high pressure ionization chamber.


current produced by the radiation induced ionization within the chamber is

measured by a sensitive electrometer with digital readout.

The instrument

exhibits a flat energy response over all gamma-ray energies of interest to

this survey.

It is capable of measuring exposure. rates from about 1 upR/hr

to 200 upR/hr with an accuracy of about 5%.

Thus, the results derived from

this instrument were chosen as a reference to which measurements obtained
by other techniques were compared.
Measurements of the exposure rate at 1 m above the ground were made
with the Nal scintillator at approximately 2500 locations on a 30-m
rectangular grid on Bikini Island and at about 120 locations on a 120-m
grid on Eneu Island.

The jonization chamber was primarily used for

measurements within the central section of Bikini Island with additional
measurements made at selected areas.

Thus, from this program a very

comprehensive picture of the gamma-ray exposure rates is available for
both islands.

Thermoluminescent dosimeters (TLD's) were also employed

to supply a third technique for evaluating the external dose.

A complete

report on the external gamma measurements and resulting dose assessment
has been published (2).


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Select target paragraph3