
Project 21.3 - Short Half-life Activities - P. Monyer


Another phase of Project 21.3 was engapred in finding total tritiu
in the cloud.

This vas done in the following manner:

Carricr amounts of

heavy water, krypton and zenon were added to the collection bottles prior
to the program,

The collection system consisted of filters for particulate

matt-r and collection bottles mounted on the sampling planes.

Cas samples

were collected at various altitudes and times following the detonation and
returned to Parry for separation,

MKryptcr, xenon, water and carton dioxide

were separated fror the gas sazple and molybdenum was separated from the
filter sample.

Krypton, xenon and molytdenur were collected to determine

fiesione per collection bo*tie,

The remaining activities, cl4 gna 43 were

returned to the laboratory, as barium carbonate and water for the deter-

mination of tota) tritium and poanthly C24 yield,
The fission bottle data are shown in Table 21,3-l.






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