

All oscilloscopes were triggerol simultanevusly by the DC trigger
device located in the primary oathote follower and connected directly
to the receiving antenna.

The 2 eicroseccni lelay line was aided to

permit the leading edge of the waveform to be recorie,
In orier to establish a iefinite time relationship between the
recertion of the signal ani the ‘-iggering

°° « civen tevice such as

a counter or tranamitter, a time marker rip, generate! by the delay


trigrer from me of the osellloscopes, ts fed through the 2 wicrosecond delay line ani superimpose) on th~ Saitial portion of the re-

ceived waveform,

All oscilloscopes ar« calibrated against a known frequency standard
for sweep linearity.
The cathoie follover trireporing systen is set to trigger approx.

imately Gib. above the noise level,

The vertioal jeflectorsof the

asecillosespes are set to receive the predi-ted fiel! strength.

Date was rec oRqed on all onelllescopes.

The pre'icte!l Mell strength

- the measure! fieli strengtr |a waveform vere gool ani shouli provide dats for easy analysis.


Data vas recorie!l on al) oscilloscopes.

The “eli-tei fleli strength

asWEI02 os wesc: 100 coreg a


BR- evetoms showel evilence of being moiulat-1 by an unmown

wot F


Select target paragraph3