This command was assigned to T.E«. 7e3elo3 to place YC's in

moor for WAHOO target array and accomplished this project as

22 MAR 58
27 MAR 58
4 apr 58

Laid leg Noe 2 of Zero buoy
Laid leg No. 4 of YC~1
Laid leg Noe 3 of YOR

10 APR 58
21 APR 58

Laid leg Noe 1 of YO5
Laid leg Nos.1 of YC~6

27 BPR 58
29 APR 5B

Laid leg Now 3 of YC=7
Laid leg Noe 3 of YI

12 MAY 58

Moored YC~8 in position off YC-9

13 MAY 58

Replaced leg Noe 1 to YC~7

7 SPR 56

25 APR 58
3 May 53

Replaced leg Noe 1 of YC~6
Replaced leg Noe 1 of YO=6

with 4, 1® pennants

16 May 58
17 MAY 58

On station for WAHOO shot
Took DD~592 in tow from target array

19 MAY 58

Retrieved YC-6 from WAHOO array

20 MAY 58

Retrieved two mooring legs from mooring
buoy No. 1 in (MBRELLA array

21 MAY 58

2 MAY 58

26 May 58

Laid leg Noe 1 of YC~4

30 MAY 58

4am? JUN 58


10 JUN 58

to Eniwetok Lagoon

Retrieved last leg of mooring buoy and

brought buoy aboard

Laid Installation No. 17 of UMBRELLA array
for Project 1,1

Laid Installation No. 27 of UMBRELLA arr::y
for Project 1.1
Laid mooring Installation to. 55 of
UMBRELLA array for Project 1.1

Tender Availability USS HCCFER -SLAND
On station for UMBRELLA shot

Retrieved Instrument Gages from UMBRELLA
array for Project 1.1

U oease






Select target paragraph3