at?-100/PES: ee
Rola tae


A eae

de Mail. Mail delivery was satisfactory.

Sert 08—58
But there were

short delays at times. There was one factor that oould be
remedied; mail boats at times wuld refute to receive
registered mail for mailing if it did not have registered
mumbers, On small commands this is a problem as mmbering
facilities are not available. Therefore registered mail
had to be taken ashore by yeomen for registery purposes.

andmes ing. No problems encountered.




No problem arose as to ships handling of message traffic.

Volune and ability to process and control were of no problome



ion, Elmer


Circuit discipline was not followed between ships
‘r\" poor,
‘2, and shores

Callups were not used at all times, and the most

frequent procedural violation was traffic not being acceptod
according to pracedenceé.

be Space available for special Hardteck communication equipment was adequato. Procedure, equipment and facilities were
Satisfactory. The use of special radio equipment for Tug and
target ships was an invaluable aid to ships involved in this



to nan circuits.



Numerous times CW operators were incompetent

Security indoctrination program was highly effective.

Proper personnel were issued badges. Better instructions could be
given concerning making requests for badges. The cards that are

issued for security officers information and request for badgos
were simplified, but ships could not determina what type of entrance

requirements to request until arrival EPG.

Select target paragraph3