i EG:G
Energy Measurements Group ¢ Las Vegas Operations
680 E SUNSETROAD, LAS VEGAS, NV ® TEL (702) 739-0461 ® MAIL BOX 1912. LAS VEGAS. NV 89101

21 February 1979



Dr. W. L. Robison (L-453)

Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
Environmental Division
Livermore, CA 94550

Dear Bill:
Enclosed are the preliminary external exposure rate results for Bikini
and Rongelap Atolls. The results for Rongelap are summarized in the

same manner as those 1 gave you several weeks ago for the other atolls

surveyed. For Bikini we have enclosed a complete set of data along with
a complete set of island photographs.
Also enclosed are some additional atoll mosaics which you might find
useful. We only had one spare mosaic for Rongelap and Utirik Atolls.
We would be glad to print some more copies of these two atoll mosaics
if you find yourself short.

A conversion scale is attached which should be used for all the data
you presently have as well as the Bikini and Rongelap data.
Please let us know if you have any questions about the data.


W. J. Tipton

Scientific Specialist



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