in Table V were obtained by scaling Gustafson's estimates up or down
using the updated intake data in Table IV.

These estimates indicate

that including Arrowroot in the diet increases the dose to bone by about
0.8 rad in 5 years while whole body dose remains the same. ‘Including
Arrowroot and Crab in the diet without a dietary supplement of calcium

increases dose to bone to almost 8 rads in 5 years or twice the 4 rads
in 5 years mentioned above.

With a calcium supplement including Arrow-

root and Crab in the diet brings dose to bone very near the 4 rads in
5 years value.

However, in the interest of placing only those restrictions

on intake that are actually needed, it is suggested that Arrowroot and

Crab can be left in the diet provided the calcium intake in the diet is

ee eet!

brought up to 1 gram per day.

There is the additional consideration

that inteke of Coconut Crab will probably be self limiting in that an

intake of 14 grams per day by as many as 100 people would require 600
crabs per year.

Large numbers of crabs have not been seen on Bikini

Island and some were destroyed during the vegetation clearing operations

in 1969.


Unrestricted use of local foods at an intake corresponding to the

Rongelap diet could bring whole body dose up to the 4 rads in 5 year
level and dose to bone up to about 50 rads in 5 years if an edible
variety of Pandanus was available which is not the case.

The wisdon of

the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations is that when edible Pandanus does

‘become available on Bikini, exposures such as those above will not occur.


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Select target paragraph3