Yable IV presents a comparison of estimated daily dietary intake values
that may apply if certain items of the diet are included or excluded.

A number of observations may be made:


Updating Gustafson's estimates with 1969 monitoring results
increases the intake estimate for the total diet by about 50%
for 0c, and 68% for 13Tos,

The items contributing most to

this increase are Pandanus and Crab.

Updating intake estimates with 1969 data and assuming no intake
of Pandanus, Arrowroot or Crab (the diet used in Gustafson's
dose predictions) shows a minor change when compared with


Gustafson's intake estimates.

Updated data indicate that including Arrowroot in the diet (no
Pandanus or Crabs) increases the


7’Sr intake by a factor of

about 2 and 137 Cs intake remains about the same.


Updated data indicate that including Arrowroot and Crab in the
G@iet (no Pandanus) increases the 905, intake by a factor of 6

to 7 and increases the 137 Cs intake by a factor of about 2.
In the section on "Summary of Radiation Exposure” in Attachment 1
‘there is the statement ‘that, "It is unlikely that the whole body exposure,
or the exposure to specific organs including bone, will exceed h rads in

5 years, 15 rads in 30 years or 30 rads in 70 years."

The dose estimates

Select target paragraph3