Reports on this subject were prepared by Philip F. Gustafson in

April and May 1968 (Attachments 1 and 2).

Since that time the de-

cision has been made that the Bikini people may be returned to their
Atoll but that certain measures should be teken to further reduce
radiation exposures.

These measures are described in the report of

the AEC Ad Hoc Committee (Attachment 3).
During 1969, cleanup of Bikini Atoll, which was one of the Ad Hoc
Committee's recommendations, was accomplished through a cooperative
project funded by DOD and AEC.

The Atoll has now been turned back to

the Office of Trust Territories of the Pacific, Department of Interior.
DOI is currently conducting a program of agricultural rehabilitation
- that has been under way aboutone year and construction of housing
and comaunity facilities is to begin in the near future.
The cleanup project provided an opportunity to obtain significant
additional information on the levels of environmental radiation and
radioactivity in the Atoll.

Enough of the results from the 1969

monitoring and sample collecting activities are now available fron
Allen Smith and William Moore of SWRHL and from Edward Held of the

University of Washington to make preliminary comparisons with the 1967
results and to determine what if any differences the 1969 data mey meke
_in radiation exposure estimates prepared by Dr. Gustefson.


Select target paragraph3