Sept. 7, 1972

Interagency meeting to obtain
agreements on agency responsibilities for cleanup and rehabilita tion of Enewetak Atoll.

October 1972 February 1973

AEC radiological field survey of
Enewetak Atoll.

January 26, 1973

Memo to Commission thru GM from

Gilbert for Camm - Enewetak

Radiological Survey.

July 1973


Establishment of AEC Task Group
on Recommendations for Cleanup
and Rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll.

Oct. 1, 1973


Memo to Chairman, cy to Commission
from Camm - Enewetak Progress.

March 6, 1974


AEC Enewetak Radiological Survey
Report distributed to interested
Federal agency staff.

Related Issue



AEC conducted a radiological survey of Bikini Atoll in 1967
and provided guidance subsequently to the Departments of
Defense and Interior for radiological cleanup and rehabilitation of that atoll.

The extent of AEC responsibility for long-term followup of
the environmental radiation and health status of the Enewetak
people: since the fallout on Rongelap, there has beena
long-term followup on the environmental radiation and health
status of the Rongelap people. This program will be expanded
_ to include followup on the Bikini people when they return this
summer and it is expected that this program will be extended
again to include a long-term monitoring of the environmental
radiation in the atoll and the health status of the Enewetakese.
These are believed to be prudent and necessary steps to take
particularly in the case of Bikini and Enewetak because in the
case of Bikini the predicted radiation doses were close to

the standards and the conditions of return depend upon the

people observing certain advisory actions pertaining to diet

and use of portions of the atoll for food. It is expected that
similar conditions will be necessary for Enewetak.



Select target paragraph3