
In that context, then, there is no question but that the island of Eneu

must be placed off limits as a place of residence for the Bikini people
for at least another 20-25 years.
This being the case, I believe these facts must be carefully discussed

with and made known to the people of Bikini by you.

We must ask them to

accept this decision so that with them and their counsel al} of us can
now turn to the very pressing problem of where permanent resettlement can

be arranged for the people of Bikini.

Copies of the Department of Energy's May 15, 1979, report, Radiological

Implication for Resettlement of Eneu Island, have been provided to the

Legal Counsel for the people of Bikini for his discussions also with his


I enclose for your information a copy of Mrs. Clusen's letter

of May 15, together with its enclosure, as well as our letter of April 12.
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