effort should be made to comply with the EPA Guidance.

The EPA Guidance on

dose levels of 1 rem/year to Tungs and 3 rem/year to bone for persons exposed

to transuranic elements should be targets for the cleanup effort.


decisions to reinhabit the atoll should be based on doses calculated from

soil, air and vegetation measurements made after cleanup and consideration of the
benefits of reinhabiting the islands.
Comments and Recommendations on other Issues and Questions Posed to the
Advisory Group


Decisions on plowing should await the results of a plowing experiment to
be conducted at Enewetak.

It is recommended that a statistician, Madeline

Barnes, Jo Jane Giacomini and/or Burt Friesen participate in the planning
of the experiment and analysis of the results.

Since DNA wants advice

on plowing, this experiment should be completed as soon as possible.

Data on resuspension of Pu and Am contaminated soil particles at
Enewetak are insufficient to evaluate the potential inhalation dose to
children playing on the ground or adults working in agricultural

The Advisory Group'urges that an effort be made to obtain resuspension

data of this nature unless it already exists.

If it does exist, the

Advisory Group welcomes an opportunity to review the data.
. Averaging the Soil Concentrations Over Entire Ts lands

The committee considered the possibility of using island average
concentrations to determine how much soil should be removed, to assess
cleanup performance and to calculate doses.

The Advisory Group sees no

compelling reason to alter the previously agreed upon plan to consider

each 1/4 or 1/2 hectare separtely for cleanup.

The subject of averaging

Select target paragraph3