coyrorn'y While, 2 ssbb, —

areas in which Woutd-be-yequiced.

They weres

L, The Biking Cleacup effort within the present scope of vork as defined
in the Memo of Understanding hetween CJT 8.6, the ABC Deptty, Joseph

M. Merrill, and Be. Jack Tobin of the Trust Territory would be thebasis
of fulfilling the ARC and DOD obligations unless we hear differently
from the Trust Tereitory.



2. A Teust Territory representative witt be presentxe @ full cine basis.
3. A ftey couprebsnstve and complete list of equipment required will be
resolved ia tha near future by representatives of the AEC, DOD and
Trust Territory. The final resolution as to how this equipment will be
transferred (at wo cost, total reimbursement, or trangéportatian on,

replecement items) ts still pendicg at the Washington level,

Sst a le

Select target paragraph3