
In general, the ares history, planning, deployment and present clesoup status of
Biking were given. Specifically addressed were the muuber of people tuvolved,
the logistic eupport and equiguent aceds. Comsingionee Johnston queried the group

Go te ony nstive problens thet hove ericen since theis evrivel. The dnever wis

on unequivics! “no% with-the-encepsten.of.06b6ebennt-wrany-Tequived—-e-pay-the

“aactéives-evpsbies. Gomeissionsr Johnston wes provided an estineted date for com


pletion of clesaup ag 1 Septenber with tvo additional weeks required for rollup
proceedures. Re wes also shown and provided appwcpriate copies of wessages desling
with the problem of. equipment retention end transfer.

The problem of @ full time Trust Territory repressatative et Bikist wis discussed |
end Gountesioner Johusten agreed that cone should be there on a full time basie and

indicated he vould enenine the prodlen voen he Grvives ot Saipen, te asked whether

there wes « complete lies of equipment now oa Sikin’ vhich be eould review ead from
Vhieh he could pick equipesat. The saever wae “po" aad it was reccumeaded that @

consolidated List be prepared of both ARC and BOD equipuent.


The question of qualified equigment operators sad wsiutenmnas poop)e.: ws alse
disevesed. te said the Trust Territory did hewe qualified personas! to operate end

maintain eluiler type equipment tothst om Bikini.

He agreed whole heartedly there

was no senpe ia leaving ony type equiguest on Bikinithet sould not be operated ord
waflotatined, He suggested Mr. Dvight Seine, @teevdes-AUNNEECEer, smrumatenteiends)
now eaployed by the Trust Territory was the best wen to hendle this situation.

Coomiesioner Jubnaton sald there were fedieations of native unrest within the Marehelle

and Mr. Heine fe the type of men who travels the islends in en attempt to settle
the unrest.
Hr. Bonnet mentioned Br. Robert Conard of Brookhaven National Laboratory aed his
function of monitoring the health of the natives on Rongelap end Utirik and his

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