
How long will the U. S. provide assistance?
charge the people for the services?

Will the U. S. in the future

It is anticipated that the medical and radiological surveys will
continue year after year as long as they benefit the people.

No positive

commitment for the future can be made for this or any other program that
is funded annually by the U. S. Congress.

However, there is every likelihood

that Congress will continue to support this program as it has in the past.
There is no reason to believe that the people will have to pay for services
_ provided during the surveys.

Why doesn't the U. S. pay the people who go through the trouble of being

The people who are examined are helped by the examinations.
are sick, their illnesses may be diagnosed.

If they

Many people who need treatment

get the treatment because of the examinations.

It should not be necessary

to pay people for things which are done for them that will help them.

Will the U. S. take responsibility for future generations who suffer the
effects of radiation?

Effects due to radiation exposure of the people on Rongelap or Utirik

are not expected in future generations.

However, if such damage were to

occur and were demonstrated to be related to the radiation exposure to the
satisfaction of the U. S. Congress, we are confident that the Government
would assume responsibility for the damage.

Select target paragraph3