AEC Questions and Answers

If the people who were not exposed to radiation but are living on Rongelap
and Utirik show any signs of radiation, will they be compensated? Why

doesn't the U. S. compensate us for the ruination of our food?

As stated by Dr. Conard, newcomers to Rongelap and Utirik received
very little radiation and should not show any sickness resulting from

Questions of compensation would have to be decided by the

U.S. Congress as they were for the Rongelap people in U. S. Public Law
88-485 in 1964,

Compensation for contamination of the coconut crab would

also be a matter for consideration by the Congress.

If the U. S. can reach the moon, how come they did not know that the

wind was going to be shifted over to the islands?


' The U. S. can reach the moon because the equipment used to get man
to the moon is under his control.

The direction of the wind is more

difficult to predict because the wind is not controlled by man.
Why didn't the U. S. explain to the people the dangers of the fallout
before the test?

Why did the U. S. not take extra precautions?

The unexpected wind shift and a much greater energy release than
anticipated made the precautions that were taken inadequate.

The people

were not warned of the dangers of fallout because the likelihood that
fallout would occur outside the restricted area was considered too remote
to justify warning the people.

The occurrence of fallout in an unrestricted

area after the Bravo test was the first accidental event of this kind to
happen after a nuclear weapons test.

The U. S. took the precaution of trying

to keep people out oi the area where they expected fallout to occur.

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