




‘and some of these have been seen in the unexposed Rongelap people and
Likiep people.

Also, we have seen a few neck lumps and one person with

~ cancer in the Utirik people but we do not think that radiation caused




Why do I have to be examined every year?

I was not exposed

to radiation so why do I. have to be examined? Why do you have to take
‘our blood? Urine? Why do you have to feel our neck for lumps? So far,
what are our health findings? Are we healthier or sicker? What is our '
future in regards to health? Why doesn't the AEC provide all the information pertaining to the peoples on Rongelap and Utirik? Were the people

" on Rongelap and Utirikused for experimental purposes?

Why doesn't the

United States send a Rongelapese to learn about radiation, thyroid, cancer,

ete.? 7,



From our examinations, except for the thyroid lumps, the exposed
Rongelap people are as healthy as other Marshallese people not exposed
. to radiation.

Their future health should be good.

Tt is necessary to

“continue the examinations regularly and cake blood and urine samples

_so that we can be sure that everyone remains healthy and take care of

any sickness if it happens.
_sure none are there.

We have to feel the neck for lumps to be

It is also necessary to do many other tests.

is not experimenting but trying to find if there is any sickness.


people wonder why candy is given at the time the blood test is done.
-It is only because it has been found easier to give the children candy

at that time. _









It‘is also important to examine people who were not exposed

to radiation because we need to know when the exposed people get sick
-«'.4 ££ this sickness is caused by radiation or something else.


If you wére

“not exposed and got sick and your brother was exposed and got the same

“ gickness, this indicates that the sickness was probably not caused by
“4+, radiation.


Select target paragraph3