
Preparation of shipping documents on non-expendable supplies


-in accordance with instructions contained in paragraph 4,


Survey made of boxes and crates to determine their serviceability.

Unservicesable boxes will be replaced or repeired.

“Item should be reshipped in the same containers received in

when practicable.


Unused or reparable supplies and equipment will be moved to
the LST loading area.

This will be accomplished only after

packing, crating and documentation have been completed,
Security cargo or iters subject to pilfernge will not be
moved to the LST loading area until final roll-up operations.


Helium cylinders will be banded on pallets and marked for
shipment to the Navel Air Station, Moffett Field, Crlifornia”
in accordance with instructions caontained in paragraph dada).

Full cylinders will be tagged with a yellow (AF Form 56) tag,
and empty cylinders will be tagged with a green (AF Form 50)


ALL buildings used by WREP detachments at the various islands
will be cleaned and repaired to the best possible condition

and repainted at the end of this operation,

Buildings will

be closed and locked and the keys delivered to the representative of the Trust Territories at the island.

Keys for

. the buildings at Rongerik will be delivered to the Commander,

4930th Test Support Group at Eniwetck.

Care will be exer-

eised to insure that the buildings will withstand the weatnar
during the interim period,

This will include anchoring the

buildings with heavy wire and insuring that the foundation

is solid.

Electrical fixtures and wiring in the buildings

will remain intact,

Remove light bulbs and treat recepta-

cles with corrosion preventative compound.

Rejected rawinsonde transmitters and modulators will be
tagged as reparable and shipped to SMAMA,


Fing] Roli-up:

(Commencing K-day)

All areas used by WREP Detachments will be left clean,


trash containers will be cleaned and trash disposed of by
burning or other approved methods,



TAB NO, _70

“4° 7}

Select target paragraph3