The following comments appear appropriate:


Page 1, Planning Directive - Suggest changing the title of I.A

to “Purpose” instead of "History and Purpose."

Also, suggest

deletion of first sentence starting with "The Eniwetok Atoll
was ...."

Page 1, Planning Directive - Suggest changing the title of I.B
to "Interagency Arrangements" instead of "Political Considerations
and Interagency Arrangements."
Page 2, Appendix A, (Organization: (Item 2)) - Suggest that
consideration of OS involvement read as follows:

"The Division of Operational Safety (DOS) will share

responsibility for planning the survey and will provide
the coordination of these plans and their extension

during the survey with the Assistant General Manager
for Environmental Safety (AGMES).
DOS will also provide

information cn the survey to EPA staff at the Washington
level upon request. DOS will review and evaluate all

data and assessments relevant. to the feasibility of
various cleanup methods and methods for disposal of
hazardous materials, and will make recommendations on
requirements, guidelines, and environmental and health
protection standards to be employed during cleanup


Page 3, Appendix A, Figure 1 - The table of organization should
show the DOS role in providing criterion for cleanup.

The source

of an assessment of the collected information on possible mechanisms and the channel through which this data and assessment would
flow from the cleanup survey activity, (Yoder) to DOS, should be
Page 19, Appendix A, IV.b - At the end of the second sentence,
add the words "and Engebi (Janet)."


Select target paragraph3