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June 7, 1973
Dr. Nathaniel F. Barr
Asst. Director for Measurement
and Evaluation

Division of Biomedical and


Environmental Research

U. S, Atomic Energy Commission

Washington, D.C.


Dear Nat:

Enclosed are xerox copies of viewgraphs used at the RARG
meeting in Livermore last month. They are for your own use or

for distribution to anyone whom you, as chairman of the RARG,
consider appropriate. All users, however, should understand
the following points:

1. These are viewgraphs used during an oral presentation
and, as such, present only an outline of procedures or a come

pression of data without amplifying or clarifying discussion.

They are therefore an incomplete representation of the work that
is being done.
2. Experimental data are preliminary and subject to change
as analytical results become final.
3, These are all working documents that are being used
in the evolution of the Survey Final Report and will, I expect,
be used to generate the AEC recommendations, They are forwarded
to you for information only, and are not for quotation in any
public document or forum.



Sincerely yours,

Dr. W. E, Nervik
Radiochemistry Division Leader
WEN: sa

T, McCraw

D. Wilson

W. Nervik/File

Unversry ofCaltara PO Box 608 Livermore Catiorna 94559 0 Teiepr ane (415)}447-1100 © Telex 34-6407 AEC LLL LVMA D Twy 910-386 8339 AE

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