transfer parameter for Pu.

We are continually assessing the

models, and the key parameter in the models, aS more research
data become available.

If new data indicate that predicted Pu

doses should be revised we will immediately re-evaluate Pu

doses via the marine and terrestrial foodchains at Enewetak.
The question to which this response is directed concerned the
impact of Pu upon the marine environmental as a result of
disposal of contaminated soil near Cactus Crater.
have directed our assessment at the Pu question.

Therefore we
However, it

should be recognized that other radionuclides are also present

in the soil and that °°Sr, ?37Cs and ?*!Am, for example, will
also be remobilized at rates very different from those discussed
for plutonium.
The leaching and remobilization of radionuclides from the
contaminated soil which have been discussed above are based
upon data obtained with current water flow patterns across the

reef and in and out of Cactus Crater.
The impact of altering water circulation patterns across the
reef and around the entire northern end of Runit Island resulting
from filling the crater and mounding soil and concrete to heights

of 30 feet, is unknown.
It is recognized that it will be necessary to establish a water
monitoring system to detect any unanticipated problems which
could impact on the marine environment from the soil fill.


Select target paragraph3