Consideration of Impacts of Soil Disposal on Northern
Runit (Yvonne) Island and the Marine Environment


Terrestrial Disposal
The present proposed method for handling the terrestrial contaminated

soils involves movement to Northern Runit Island and eventually fabricating
a mix with cement and capping the resulting soil-cement matrix with 18"
of high strength concrete.

As long as the concrete cap is intact,

remobilization of Pu in the above ground soil to the groundwater would
be minimal and the terrestrial plutonium inventory (except that in contact
with the groundwater) under the cap would be unavailable to the marine

However, the freshwater runoff from the concrete cap might

very well cause more rapid remobilization of residual radionuclides in
the soil around the perimeter of the cap and could conceivably cause
rapid soil erosion around the cap perimeter.

This pathway would increase

the radionuclide transport rate to the island groundwater around the

The ground area affected by runoff is unknown until the cap dimensions

are established.

The freshwater will have an additional impacts on the

near shore marine environment.
water salinity.

Coral, for example, is very sensitive to

Salinity changes which could occur during one heavy

rain storm from runoff would be enough to affect growth.

It is recommended

that some thought be given to designing a water catchment system around
the bottom of the cap to reduce tre impact of freshwater runoff.


a cistern would have added advantages in that a valuable resource, mainly
quantities of freshwater, would be available to future inhabitants.

The present estimated inventory of 7?%t?*°Pu on Runit Island is
10 curies. |

Based upon 1972 survey data? it is possible, although not

Select target paragraph3