
Trip Report, Enewetak and JA, Dec 78


ll Dec 78

(COL Sanches is supposed to have drafted a query on this subject
during his return trip from Enewetak, as directed by Gen Tate.)
m. Provide Adm Monroe a report on urinalysis going back to 1977. Present
a briefing to Adm Monroe on all aspects of Health Physics in Jan 79.
assisted by FCL and FCP).
n. Determine if OEHL at Brooke AFB can do urinalysis faster. Arrange to go
to another lab if necessary.
(Gen Tate will send a letter to the Commander of

the lab.)

(FCZ, in coordination with FCR and FCL).

Insure that we have enough barges and opportune sealift to retrograde

from Enewetak all the equipment necessary.


p.- Look at boat requirements and demobilization plans to see if we can
delay the last boats as much as possible to support coconut tree planting. (FCL,
assisted by FCP and FCZ).
q. Prepare for an appropriate Closing Ceremony to be held between 2-14 Apr 80.
(FCP, assisted by FCZ and coordinated with FCR).



Purchase two church bells (or other appropriate gifts) to present one

each to the dri-Enewetak and dri-Enjebi.

Coordinate with DOE/PASO concerning

funding which is to be provided from the excess funds of the Pau Hana Club.
Obtain FC approval of the gift, and approval of an appropriate inscription on
each gift.

(FCL, assisted by FCR, FCC, FeP, and FCZ).

s. Send a letter to FC with debris removal estimates, with a copy to the
Director, DNA. (FCR}.


Get copies of EG&G Calibration Records.


Submit a Form 1391 thru channels to obtain approval for maintenance of

the airfield.


Dr. Harris can help.



Submit a plan to FCDNA for dismantling LE-1 LOX and Fuel Trailer Shelters
Coordinate the plan with DOE/NVO (FCL).

It-was a worthwhile’and informative trip.

It was most satisfying to observe

the tremendous progress which has been made in the Enewetak Cleanup, and the

professional management actions on-going at JA.

It was also a pleasant experience





at Wu



to sense the warm friendship of the Marshallese and their positive feelings

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