Trip Report, Enewetak and JA, Dec 78


ll Dec 78

4. The flight from Kwajalein to Johnston Atoll and Johnston Atoll to Hawaii was
used for conferences on a number of subjects. The list of subjects and attendees

distributed by MAJ (P) Pickler at Kwajalein is at TAB 0.

Those subjects, and the

Tabs which address them in more detail, as prepared by COL Hemler, are listed


It was also indicated that the next trip to Enewetak by Admiral Monroe

and his party will be 29 May 79.



Coconut Tree Planting Alternatives (TAB P).




Early Resettlement


Runit Cleanup


Closing Ceremonies

(TAB Q).
(TAB R).

(TAB S).
(TAB T).

While at Johnston Island, at an evening working session in the Point House,

thirteen subjects were discussed as outlined in the Talking Papers at TAB U.,
The working session went rapidly and smoothly, with all subjects covered in about
90 minutes, and with a minimum of controversy. Some highlights:

Environmental laws apply to Johnston Island.


FCJ will submit a Form 139] thru channels to obtain approval for maintenance

of the airfield as recommended by the "Airfield Pavement Evaluation" of the Air
Force Civil Engineering Center, Tyndall AFB, Florida, dated 29 Sep 78. This will

involve removal of the top 2" of the cold mill overlaid portion of the runway,
and applying a very thin overlay to that portion. This project will undoubtedly

involve substantial funding, and is beyond the approval authority of JA and
probably beyond the authority of FCDNA.
It will have to be processed through
channels for review and approval.


FCJ will submit a plan to FCDNA for dismantling of the LE-1 LOX and Fuel

Trailer Shelters, from which the contaminated paint is currently peeling.
Gen Tate directed that Field Command coordinate with DOE/NVO when this FCJ

proposal is received.

During a discussion of DPDO sales, Gen Tate directed that a letter be

sent to Battle Creek confirming that there will be no on-island sale of equipment


Pee, SO Wy
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at Enewetak (as verbally agreed to at the Demobilization Conference).
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Also while at JA, COL Hemler and I were able to observe the barge which

will carry supplies to Enewetak. Saw the 1.5 cubic yard clamshell and concrete.
Was told the sheetpile was on board, but could not see it. Also visited the
LE-1 site to observe the peeling paint.

Select target paragraph3