Trip Report, Enewetak and JA, Dec 78

(1) A question was asked:
every filter."



"Have we saved the filter papers?"

A discussion took place on urinalysis.

urinalysis is taking 3-4 months.

1l Dec 78
Answer: "Yes--

It was noted that Brooke

A question was asked about the possibility of

going to a commercial firm to speed the process, for at least a part of the
samples, if not all of them.

The Director indicated he would like to get a report from Field Command

on urinalysis going back to 1977,

(4) There was also a discussion of the inconsistency of protective clothing
worn by those working on the tremie operation, as observed by the Director during
his visit to Runit.


The JTG will correct this inconsistency.

JTG Fact Sheets concerning Radiation Safety; High Exposure Readings;

Air Sampler Status; Radiation Control Committee Actions; Administrative Doses for .
Personnel; and Environmental Background Measurements, are at TAB L.

d. The next briefing was an OSHA/Industrial Safety update. It was poinged
out that the number of work-related lost time accidents has remained low despite
a steady population increase on the Atoll from '77 to '78. The high number of
accidents which once took place near Operation Switch time have been leveled off
and reduced.

Safety training was also discussed.

the OSHA program at Enewetak Atoll is at TAB M.

Additional data concerning

e. The OSHA briefing was followed by’a DOE Rad Lab presentation by Mr. Paul
Dunaway, ERSP Manager. The briefing did not get very far. He indicated that IMPing
on Medren has stopped, and that Medren is OK to build houses and live there.
Following that, Admiral Monroe asked: "Why don't we find out more about strontium

and cesium on Enjebi?"'

The Admiral indicated we had moved a lot of soil from


Admiral Monroe asked about analyzing some coconuts on the Northern Islands.


The above question generated a long discussion, primarily between Roger Ray

and Admiral Monroe, which did not result in any firm commitments from DOE to provide
additional data as requested.
(2) Some of the points made by Mr. Ray were that it isn't that easy--more time
is needed--he needs to know more about what we want to know, and so on. He
indicated that while we may have taken about 20% of the cesium off of Enjebi,

“we have not made a significant change."

for gamma rays from americium and cesium.

He also indicated that the IMP checks
Strontium is a beta emitter.


(3) Following the discussion, Mr. Dunaway asked if the Admiral would like a
copy of a handout concerning the radiological condition of the islands. That
handout is at TAB N.

Select target paragraph3