throughout Micronesia, even though improvements in Living standards have

occurred, the people are subject to frequent infections such as gastroenteritis,
upper respiratory infections, skin lesions and intestinal parasites.


it is not surprising that the gamma globulin leve ls in the Marshallese have
been found to be elevated.

The A/G ratio is reduced or reversed in most of the

The serum protein levels are generally elevated and may in part

be related to dehydration associated with tropical environment where dependence
for water is on rainfall which is scant at certain seasons.

We have noted

that the specific gravity of the urine is frequently high, and reduced red
cell and blood volume have been found in this population.

In spite of

these factors the present studies should be valid for comparison of the
exposed and unexposed Marshallese populations,

since both groups are

generally exposed to the same environmental factors, and studies of
genetically inherited characteristics show them to be a relative homogeneous

These studies are believed to test the

immunological status of the

individuals to some degree though interpretation of some of the results:
is not readily apparent.

The discussion which follows will first consider.

the results of the various tests in the unexposed population in terms of

correlation with aging.

The differences in the results in the exposed

population will then be discussed in regard to radiation-induced effects.
In regard to aging effects in the unexposed comparison population
it is quite obvious from the various graphs that even in the tests showing
changes more closely correlated with aging, that changes are maximum
by middle years (usually in the 40-50 age group) with little or no change,

in some cases even slight reduction after middle age.

The reason

Select target paragraph3