Figure l

Age-related change in lymphocyte transformation in peripheral
blood cultures showing the mean percent transformation for
each decade with standard deviation.

Figure 2

Age-related changes in the blood elements [total leukocytes (WBC),
neutrophils, hematocrit,

lymphocytes, platelets, and sedimentation

rate} showing the mean level for each decade with standard deviation.
Figure 3

Age-related changes in serum proteins [total serum proteins,

albumen, alpha-1 globulin, alpha-2 globulin, beta globulin,
and gamma globulin] showing the mean level for each decade with
standard deviation.
_ Figure 4


Age-related changes in immunoglobulin [G(IgG), A(IgA), D(IgD) ,
M(IgM), lambda light chains, and kappa light chains] showing
the mean level for each decade with standard deviation.

Select target paragraph3