
Defense Laboratory, the Trust Territory, and the University
of Washington.


The data were summarized by DBM and were presented to a
panel of experts assembled by DBM for evaluation of potential

radiological hazards.

Most of the participants in the 1967

‘survey attended the presentation to provide details not included
in the summary.
The panel concluded that Bikini could be safely reoccupied,
but recommended some restrictions and suggested things to be
done to rehabilitate the atoll.

These included restriction of

coconut crabs from the diet, because they contain high concen-

trations of 70 sr, and covering the village area at Bikini Island
with coral gravel from the beaches, to provide a shield against

radiation from the soil.

The panel also recommended that old

structures and other such debris from the tests be removed from
the islands and beaches and that the island be further monitored
Guring the clean-up.

Additional monitoring was necessary because

dense vegetation on Bikini and Enyu Islets,

especially,. made it

impractical to survey more than a few transects across the

islands in 1967.

artment of Enersy

peistorian’s Office


The panel's recommendations were made to the Chairman of
the Atomic Energy Commission who informed the Secretary of the

Interior, the administrator for the Trust Territory of the

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