satisfactorily and no changes in treatment or management were recommended,

Considering the progress of these patients so far, it is the opinion

of the group that observation for treatment of radiation effects and

investigation from a scientific standpoint can be discontinued in about

three to four weeks barring unforeseen complications.

In view of the

fact that this group received a dose of radiation which was marginal
from a standpoint of severe morbidity, justification cannot be made for
exposure to significant additional radiation. Therefore, based on the

concept that the recovery period should correspond in time to the permissible dose for accumulation, it is recommended that these patients
not be exposed to radiation except for essential diagnostic or therapeutic radiation for a period of eight years. Following completion
of this study it is felt that follow-up examinations of the patients

Te ac ne



should be made at approximately six month intervals to observe the

course of the skin lesions, epilation, and general physical condition.
It is recommended that medical responsibility for the natives subsequent to the departure of the Task Force be determined so that medical
records may be supplied them and recommendation for follow-up may be


pone FE.


Utirik Natives.

These patients received a light dose of radiation on the

order of 10 roentgens. They developed no systemic symptoms nor evidence of bums. The investigation of this group was completed on 29

March and they were released to the custody of ConllavStaKwaj who moved
them to Ebeye for convenience of administration on 30 March 1954,
Survey of the island for radioactivity at the completion of the test
will govern the time of return. If the levels in water, food and
external gamma radiation are acceptable, no contraindication for their
return will exist. If on retum to Utirik there still exists contamination of an acceptable degree in the low milliroentgen per hour

range, it is recommended that these natives be observed during the time
that periodic examinations are made of the Rongelap natives.


Americans from Rongerik and the 3 NavyM-boat operators.
This group of patients received a radiation dose of from

forty to one hundred roentgens.


Their condition is excellent at this

At no time have there been any subjective symptoms.

The findings

physically have consisted of reduction in the number of white blood

cells and platelets of a mild to moderate degree and recently two cases

have developed skin manifestations indicative of radiation bums of a
superficial nature. No definitive treatment has been indicated so far

nor is any recommended. It is felt that observation and investigation
Will be completed on 15 April 1954 by Project 4.1 barring unforeseen

Select target paragraph3