

sn greonare ca Wey trom an erigioa 0.36 pet Gs a aprend betieen 6

and .66 pei and in view of the difference in damage on Parry from the two

shota. Even allowing for the slow rise tine on MIXK, this revision is dif-

AeatSE ed

ficult to understand in

with the 0.33 psi for KING; on the other

more consistent with
hand, it ig theoretical predictions for a homogeneous medium.

The inter-

mediate stations have changed very slightly froa the original nuabers.
Howevey, the downard revision at close-in and the upward revision far out
result in reducing the apparent magnitude of the atmospheric inhomogensity.
Wheyeas the Parry meaguvements indicated that the pressures vould extrapolate
to ideal values short of 15,000 feet, the present data would indicate that
the peak pressures are low for 12 megatons even at close-in distances.


results are not clear-cut vithout further study because of the interference
of surface effects.

Figure 6 shows the positive duretion for MIKE shot.

Here again one notes

the abooxmalily long positive durations at almost all distances, which ts at-

tributed to atmospheric inhowogeneity and reinforcement of the blast wave

by thermal rediation.
». comciusrons


Ia general, the agreement of these measured data with the purely theoretical

predictions af LA-1N06 is significant in showing thet basic field variables
ere well understood, theoretically and experimentally, Tn view af the possible revision of the fireball data downward ani the hydrodynamic date on

MIKE, 1¢ is recommended thatfor the time being the hydrodynamic yield be quoted
somewhat lover then before - perhaps as "10 to 12” wagatons, instesa of 12 / 1.

Select target paragraph3