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The Fund

Article 1


the Government of the United States shell provide to che



The Government of the Marehall Islands, in order to

The Fund ehell be invesced in bonds, nores snd ocher






The Governmenc of che Marshall Talanda may dedicate any

AC the cequest of the Government of the Marshall

{ecence, programs and services may be required.



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$3 million to the Government of the Marshall Islands

$48.75 million to the Enewetak Distribution Authority

ye 4,
hi ‘hs.







ETEempereRaT ge ere vo i

Continued page 5

damage to property and person of the people of Enewatak, to be
disbursed in quarterly amounts of $812,500 for the 15-year pertod
commencing one calender quarter after the effective ds
of this
Agreement, and wirtch shall be diacribuced, pleced in trust or
otherwise invested ee che Enewetak Distribution Authority may
determine consistence with this Agreement.

cleias arising ouc of the Nuclear Testing Program for loss or

seferred to in Article I(T of this Agreement, in payment of

Section 3 ~ People of Enewetak

emounce of $1.25 million for the LS-year period commencing one
calendar querter after the effective date of this Agreement, and
which ahall be dietribuced, placed in trust or othervise invested
ee che Bikini Diecribution Authority may determine consistent
with this Agreement.

$73 million to che Bikini Distribucion Auchority referred to

in arcicle III of this Agreement, in paywene of claims arising
out of the Muclear Testing Program for loss or damage to property
and parson of the people of Bikini, to be disbursed in quarterly |


€tled with the Claims Tribunal referred co in Article IV of this

for the purpose of conducting medical surveillance and radiological monitoring activities, to be disbursed in average annual
asounts of §1 miliion for the three-year period commencing on the
effeccive dete of this Agreement. the resulta of such medical
turveillance and radiological monitoring activities shall be


accordance with Section 226 of the Compact, the provisions of the
Fadexal Programs and Services Agreement and such separate implementing agreements as may from time to rime be concluded.

technical assistance, programs and services shall be obtained in


tkind people and che Enewecak people for as long aa such tech-

Bros on Enewetek and to continue the food programa of the

beats, co continue the planting and agricultural maintenance


Talands, the Governmenc of the United States shall provide
technical sseietence, programs and services, on a reimbursable

Uniced Scaces which ere otherwise availeble to the Government of
the Marshall Islands.

pare of che annual disbursemente specified in thie Section to che
financing, including marching financing, of other related healthcare and research prosrans and services of the Covernment of the


Nuclear Testing Program.

ernment of the Marshall lelands to provide ite cicizene wich
health-care programs and servicesrelated co consequences of the’

(b) Annual disbursements specifled in this Section ate in
addition co the funda referred co in Sections 211(a)(3), 216(8) (2)
and 221(b) of the Compact, which may also ‘be expended by che Gov-

sional personnel services and dosimetry and bioassay services.


@ ™.: Oe


$30 million to che Government of the Marshall Ielands, to
be disbursed in annual smounte of $2 million for the 15-year r lod
commencing one calendar quarter after che effective date of thie
The Government of the Marshall Islands shell use
these sume to obtain technical assistance, on @ reimbur.
from the United States Public Health Service and orher
of the Government of che United States. The Government of the

Section 1 - Health,

The Fund Manager shall dieburse Annual Proceeds in eccordance wich Arcicle III of this Agreement and ae follows:

article Il

Republic of che Marshall Islands.

charitable crust under the laws of the United States and the

For purposes of Caxation only, the trust into which che
Fund is placed purauent co chis Article shall be deemed to be «a

the Government of the Marehel Islands shall noc perwit nor. shall
the Fund Manager make disbursesents from the Fund.

(a) Except as may be otherwise required by this Agreenent
and to achieve ite desire to provide a perpetus means of addresand unique circumstance of the peogle of
sing the epetial n
the Marshall Islands rasulcin from the Nuclear Tasting Program,

inetrumente of invdstaent grade and of United States nationality,
including both debe and equity issues, common or preferred
etocks, woney markec funda, certificates of indebtedness and
The Government of the United Scatee shell impose
mutual funds.
ho transsction fee or intermediary charge on che investment of
the Fund in inecrusencte of the Government of che United States.


Marshall iefands Nuclear Claima Fund".

achieve the performance goal of the Fund, shal) retain as trustee
and manager of the Fund Hine Manager) an United Stetes investment management company which has demonstrated substantial experidence in che administration of trusts and which hae funds under
management in excess of $1 billion. The Fund Manager ehall make
disbursements in esccordance with the provisions of this Agreement
Co the designated recipients in the neme of “The Republic of che


accordance with this Agreement.

at lease $18 million (Annual) Proceeds) for disbursement in

each year of the existence of the Fund average annual proceeds of

(a) The Government of the Marehali Islands shell cause the
Fund to be inveated with the performance goal of producing for


Marshall Islands to provide, in perpetuity, « means Co sddress
ast, present and future consequences of the Nuclear Testing

In furcherance of the desire of the Government of che

Agreement, the sum of $150 million to craate a fund (the Fund).
Section 2-- Management

Government of che Marshall Islands, on the effective date of thia


rime co time be concluded.
Such technical asaistance shall, ac
the request of the Covernment of che Marshall Islands, include a
whole body counter and che training of ics operator.
The whole
body councer shell be located in « suitable facility chosen end
supplied by the Government of the Marshall Islands.
The Technical
assiscance provided for in this subsection may include profes-

Agreenent and such sepsrate implementing agreements ae may from

sesiactance shall be obtained in accordance with Section 226 of
the Compact, che provisions of the Federal Programs and Services

Tescing Program and contemplated in United States Public Law
95-134 and United Scaces Public Law 96-205. Such cechnical

Marshall Islande cto include, in ice health-care syecem, healthcare programs and services related to consequences
of the Nuclear

Ludced Scates shall provide auch technical assistance including
United Scates contcactor
sarviceas to assiac the Government of the

Friday, July 15, 1983

In fulfillmenc of its obligaciona under Section 17? of the

Seccion 1 - Creatio

From page 1

Volume 14, Number 56

177 continued



Page 4


Select target paragraph3