
Tissue Breakdown Following Radiation.



University of Rochester School of Medicine some interesting stud
are in progress which include the assessment of tissue breakdown
(based on hippuric acid synthesis) occurring in animals subse

‘to exposure to ionizing radiation. This group is attempting
tissue degradation by determining the release of glycine and s
in biological equilibrium, with this amino acid from tissue pro
Labeled with glycine-2-cl4 prior to exposure to ionizing radiapion.

Tt has been demonstrated that total body x-irradiation (7

roentgens )

causes a significant increase in the isotope concentration of Bippuric
acid during the first six hours following radiation exposure if rats given
Several doses of glycine-2-CLh prior to the exposure. This sufgests that
the tissue breakdown is initiatedby ionizing radiation. Addifional experiments using benzoic acid - carboxyl cll indicate that radibtion does
not interfere with benzoic acid conjugation,

Magnetic Spectrometer for High IntensityMeasure. (UNCLASSIFIED)

A magnetic spectrometer capable of measuring gamma rays of high intensity

has been designed and constructed under an AEC-National Bureay ofStandards
research project. Its completion represents a part of the to
of the Commission to improve quantitative methods for meas
in the high intensity regions.

The gamma rays having energies up to 12 MEV impinge on a



Photon energies in the range of .2 to 12 MEV can be measured
accuracy of 2 per cent. Intensities of photons can be dete
an accuracy of 10 per cent. Measurements of weak photon sourfes are more

made to boost the detector counting rate for a given source sfrength.

In spite of its relatively low sensitivity for photon measurefients, the

Spectrometer has certain advantages over other types. It co
range that bridges the ranges covered, for example, by a spe
using photoelectrons and one using pair electrons. For suffi
intense sources, it is capable of operating with good resolu
if the electron trajectories are accurately known, the photo
over this wide energy range can be determined from the spect
measurements by a direct method.
Civil Defense Activities

test Program for Future Operations.


convened by the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project in Janu

Select target paragraph3