and for tne people Living at Utirik Atoll,

the results are presenced in Table 15.

external dose estimates were made,


These dose estimates were made based upon

the following a@sumpctions or 2>servations

The exposure rate was relatively uniform cnroughout

the aroll.


The average exposure rate represents the average for all islands within
the acoll.


Wotje and Ailuk Atolls are representative of the natural background in the
Northern Marshall Islands.

Te is difficule co estimate an external dose for the inhabitants of Rongelap
Atoll apart from typical residents who spend most of their time on Rongelap Island.
The reason lies in the nonuniform distribution of radioactive material from island
to island within the atoll.

While the southern islands of Rongelap were determined

to have uniform exposure rates on a per island basis, there were significant diffarences

in the exposure rates between islands and substantial heterogeneity in

exposure rates on any given island in the northern sector.

In UCRL 51879 Rev.

1 (3,4), this problem was approached by estimating the

fraction of che time that an individual spends on various activities.
mate is reprinted here as Table 16.

This esti-

Using this as a dDasic assumytion, we have

canstructed external exposure rate estimates

tor the var‘cus iiving activities

based spon our measurements reported in Tables


The value for the Lagoon

exposure rate was assumed to be the same as chat for uncontaminated atolls in the
region \~3.7 .R/hr).

The value for ‘other islands" was obtained by assuming that

che Marshallese would spend an equal amount
which we surveyed.

>r time on each of the cther is.ands

All other estimates are nade sv taking the average of all

measurements made within the area of interesx

Select target paragraph3