tomato responded in yielo ta K addilicn:. vu. stash dic noi.
In the fartilizaiion with K in the field.

a. least a i umpovary

depression of Cs-137 uptake was effected.

This is congistent

with the results of Nishita, et al. (196C), who observed @ Jdacreased absorption of Cs-137 with K fertilization of soil which
was low in K.

The Rongelap soils are low in K as evidenced by

soil analyses and by the very low levels of K in the colder
leaves of the plants growing on them.
The cifferences between upper and lower foliage in theiz
content of the various ions is of special interest.

The most

usual pattern shows both K and Cs-137 higher in che uppers
Leaves than in the lower leaves.

Field-colluctec seaevola

foliage consistently has higher K bul lowes Cs in the upper

than in the iower leaves.

This woulc be in accord with 2

previous study (Rediske and Selders,

1952) which showed Cs

tc function as = relatively immobilo clement in bean plan's.
Deta from additional field samples ef a greater number of
plant species is being accumulated at present with the hope

of establishing more clearly the differences between species
in this respect and the significance of the sharp differences
between the older and younger leaves.
The K and Cs-137 contentsof field-collected leachates
from Rongelap soil have been shown to be greatest immediately

Select target paragraph3